Women comprise 24% of senior management roles globally and 22% in the US, per a Grant Thornton International Business Report which draws on approximately 6,700 respondents.
Female board members and the bottom line
As of April 2012, 15% of Fortune 500 boards have one or more female members. Organizations with boards which are characterized by 30% gender diversity “outperform those with no women by a wide margin measured through multiple metrics” [Source: SmartBlog on Leadership].
This poses a chicken-or-the-egg conundrum: are organizations more efficacious because of their gender-diverse boards or are more efficacious organizations more likely to be more equitable in their recruitment of board members?
1 billion women
“Almost 1 billion women will enter the global economy for the first time in the coming decade…fundamentally shifting how the world works.”
From, “How one billion women will shake the business world.”